Daniel Casarin Growth marketing and sales expert Return to index Content marketing and digital a challenge that is continually renewed Having made the necessary premises, let's now examine more closely what content marketing is and what value it is right to attribute to it today in all business processes. Let's start from the definition provided by the Content Marketing Institute, which sounds more or less like this content marketing is a marketing technique aimed at creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract, acquire and engage a clear and defined target. The goal is to guide users to take an action that is profitable for the company.
Content marketing is a fundamental part of a company's inbound and web marketing strategy . Without providing leads with quality content capable of offering real value, it is very difficult, if not almost impossible, to convert them. In any case, it is not enough to create seo expater bangladesh ltd impeccable content capable of attracting and converting. You also need to know how to use them . This means that it is necessary to plan a content marketing strategy capable of offering the most suitable content to the target at the most appropriate time. In unsuspecting times Bill Gates claimed "Content is King." If this was true a couple of decades ago it is even more true today.
The web era is still young, but future developments can already be glimpsed in the watermark soon it will no longer be possible to ignore careful and accurate planning of content marketing activities. Users are looking for useful, quality content, capable of solving problems, informing them on how a certain product/service should be used and helping them achieve a goal. This means value. Creating content does not mean selling, at least not directly. Rather, it means attracting new customers and increasing engagement and brand awareness , elements necessary to build a relationship of trust. Creating quality content also means being found on the web more easily.