This step can be as varied as the content that you are finally going to offer to José. You can go, as we mentioned in the previous point, with templates with marketing plans for a personal brand, to press release formats that he himself can make and distribute. You can also include innovative formats such as podcasts, where there are specialists talking about challenges that a person may have when starting their personal brand. Also infographics that illustrate in a simple and understandable way how you can be successful in planning a personal brand. What reaction do you expect to have? After all these steps, if you have done it correctly, and offering valuable content, in a possible sales call, you can expect that José will show greater acceptance of the work you do.
He has already seen your content, your videos and resources! Now your sales team will be talking to someone close and who can understand what they are going to talk about and reach an agreement. The most likely thing that will happen in that conversation is that he will ask you for help to solve the problems he has. You've Why is the Lead Nurturing technique Special Data necessary in our strategy? To capture the 97% of users who have not made a purchasing decision. To identify in greater detail the needs of that user. To offer resources and tools that position you in the user's mind. To guide your buyer-persona during the process until the purchase. proceso lead nurturing Users who come to our businesses need more specific help to finally make the decision to purchase our services or products. It is necessary to provide support on our part throughout the entire lead nurturing process.
Once you have captured the attention of the user, who has already gone through this entire path, you convince him. It will end up activating or taking your irresistible offer, and will finally move to the saour user José, now we are going to imagine that what he wants is to have a greater presence on social networks, in addition to optimizing his profile and enhancing his personal brand. With the first step you have already grasped it, and now you will offer him more tools so that he can achieve his goals. For example, you can think about content about personal brand management on social networks or tips on personal branding content that you can publish. Also some resources on how to make a plan to appear on blogs in the next few days. Even a template on how to make a press release will be a useful resource that you are providing as you help them achieve their goal.
les mechanism. And you, have you already implemented lead nurturing in your strategy? If you want to carry out a successful Inbound Marketing strategy, write to us!