I am not going to write much about the figure of Jaume Porta Casanellas , since clicking on this link will open his biography on Wikipedia. Soda scientist with capital letters, agronomist, professor and scientific policy manager , has died suddenly, of which I have been informed by the SECS alerts, as you can read below, on the day I write this entry. All of these facets shone with their own light. Now, his books and manuals on soil science, practically essential in Spanish Universities, crossed to the other side of the pond and were widely used in Latin American universities . As president of the SECS he also encouraged (time after time) all of us members to start and finish one of his last efforts that turns out to be extremely valuable. I am referring to the Multilingual Dictionary of Soil Science (Director: Dr. Jaume Porta Casanellas) .
Terms of teaching, his books are magnificent and widely known . I remember that not long ago he sent me the last one, since he had added a section on edaphodiversity, yes, this subject in which I Canada Mobile Number List began to make progress. Obviously I met him on several occasions, remembering now how he was one of the members of the examination board for which I entered the CSIC as a permanent career civil servant. Our contacts were brief, unlike with one of his most notable students: Jaume Boixadera LLobet . In the collage above you can see him in a photo recently with his successor as President of the SECS, that is, “ Jorge Mataix ”. Spanish soil scientists and many Latin Americans feel sad . However, I will not write anything more, since the well-deserved tribute, apart from the University of Lleida (Catalonia), will be offered by the Spanish Society of Soil Science , in due course.
I leave below the links, the message from the SECS and my thanks to the second image, much better than mine, that gives rise to this intro, which I have captured from Elizabeth Fuentes . Thank you Elizabeth! We must all be grateful for the legacy he has left us with his more than generous efforts. Thousands or tens of thousands of Spanish speakers were trained in soil science based on its books and manuals . Obviously as a scientist he was also notable. What happens is that the impact of his books was tremendous, with editions after editions, which he updated with skill, care and affection periodically. All the books by Jaime Porta Casanellas jaume-porta-Fuente-Sources Photo: Elizabeth Fuentes Juan José Ibáñez Keep going…….. SECS Alert Dear members of the SECS, I regret to have to inform you that this morning our esteemed professor Jaume Porta Casanellas, Former President of the SECS, and Honorary President, passed away .