Snapchat Advertising: Measuring Results
Snapchat offers its own ad manager that looks similar to Facebook, as does the account structure. They are divided into campaigns, ad sets and ad levels. This will certainly make it easier for budding Snapchat marketers to quickly implement the platform. If you've run ads on Facebook, you shouldn't have much trouble navigating the data presented. You can easily analyze your ads.
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When analyzing the effectiveness of our campaign, it is worth visiting the Delivery Insights tab. In addition to basic information about the people who interacted with your ads, Snapchat shares the interests of those users. Such information will surely come in handy when optimizing your campaign.
Snapchat Advertising - CASE STUDY
You must be wondering how and whether to include Snapchat in your advertising campaigns. As the Shein example shows, this is worth careful consideration. Using Snapchat ads, the company achieved a 20% higher ROI compared to its goal.
Shein used the Snap Ad format with an App Install attachment to increase the number of installs of his app. It also used the Story Ads format. Thanks to this, they were able to present their product lines more widely.