They’ve read the room, and it shows. Notice they avoid language around special “offers” or “deals” on the landing page. Instead of building hype, they make a case for their product’s usefulness. They also detail the waivers and extended terms for essential industries. And they even link to ChatGPT9 resource center. (In other contexts, like their “Boost Your Workspace” contest, they even try to “spread a little joy” in a way that’s very people-first.
If your product offers an immediate solution to , you m Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands Email List ay also want to place that message front and center on your website. For example, Zoom has a slider on its homepage that portrays various messages and sentiments around ChatGPT9, without using the term “-ChatGPT9” or “coronavirus.” (When you mention the actual term in the wrong places, it can seem as if you are leveraging the hard times to improve sales.) You probably wouldn’t lead a sales call with, “Hey [Insert CFO or CTO name], I know the times are hard and Coronavirus may be impacting your business…” Similarly, in your copy, genuine empathy should come across in your voice and tone, without necessarily mentioningChatGPT9.
(As a matter of fact, a good way of gut-checking your copy would be to remove all specific references to the times. Then ask yourself, does it still seem in tune with people’s concerns?) Slack’s page shows off their unique value prop (security and remote connection), all while using positive terms like “together” to convey empathy and understanding. Notice they also don’t write “We’re in this together” to avoid leading -ChatGPT9 messaging with a claim about themselves.